He sounded flustered, full of anger.
First few minutes, I established that he was in the Victim mode; struggling with why me? He wanted to understand what his legal rights were.
His company asked him to quit, and he was resisting this change. For someone with family & financial liabilities, like education and marriage loan, this is never easy.
Me: What are your top personal priorities?
He: 3 months of cash flow & medical coverage for the family.
Me: What do you have for sure?
He: 3 months of cash.
Me: When your revenue is getting impacted, what should you do?
He: Restructure my expenses.
Me: And the biggest expenses are?
He: Loan liabilities and medical during COVID.
Me: Can your loan be restructured?
He: Yes (eureka!)
Me: And can you buy medical coverage?
He: Yes, I should do that. But my Lifestyle?
Me: For a significant part of life, you have seen life in a village with basics, right?
He: Yes.
Me: Did you manage to do well?
He: Yeah. Acted rather than complain.
Then came the toughest one on accountability
Me: What signals about the unit did you pretend to ignore?
He: It was showing signs of going down eight months back. I ignored it. I should have acted. I am somewhere responsible for this situation.
Accountability is about accepting things, rising above the circumstances and taking actions.
